An unconditional lover…. A person who loves without conditions…
Is someone really there on earth with unconditional love?
Can a mother become unconditionally loving? I don’t think she can,
A mother always expect her kid to grow up and empathize to her..
She induces her wishes and considerations to her kid in a very small age
Can a father be an unconditional lover, who loves without conditions?
Obviously not, as he expects his kid to grow up and take care of his family
He feeds his kid, a feeling of responsibility and condition along with food
He tries to explicate the terms of his future to his child with the education
Siblings!!! Do they do something for a person to be successful in life?
Yes, they do something very much special to form a very high attitude
While helping you, they also want you to help them in their need
So, their hands and love also become conditional, like everyone else
So, a person always wants another person to come into his life
To overcome the pressure of this conditionally loving world
Girl expects her partner to become an unconditional lover
But, Within a few years, she understands, he also is conditional
Not in friends? Where should I go to find that unconditional love…
I raised my eyes to heavens to find him, as I could not find anywhere
There, I saw him…he was passionately looking at me…
He told me… I love you unconditionally…. I can’t stay apart from you…
He told me again that I love you, I love you…I can’t keep you away…
So I stay inside you… inside your heart… I am love….The love unconditional…
I reside at your heart…..So your heart became unconditionally loving
Feel it and be what you are, and love others unconditionally as I do…
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