‘Everythig I do, I do it for you’, …..the marvelous sound wake Irene up…oh…someone is singing for me…..might be my husband who loves me more than anyone in this world. While getting out of the bed, Irene was sure it is none other than her husband. No one can sing with such a passion for me except Jack. Irene was happy with the sweet voice of Jack which was delivered only for her. She wanted to see his handsome face, she called Jack….please come to me I have taken up…..but he did not stop his song and he continued without having even a single change in his voice…after singing the same line for three times he became silent…. Irene called again…Jack, come to me….I need to hurry up…I need to go to office today…..but there was no response….Irene then went to the hall to see whether he is there…… Irene was shocked to see his picture on the wall….oh my God, Jack….he is not here in this world….He left me ten years back…..and I am alone now……Then who sang for me….who can sing with such a passion for me…..suddenly that song started again…..she went back to the bed room to find what it is…oh…it is my mobile with this beautiful alarm tone….she thought……
The alarm tone brought her back to those beautiful days with Jack. She tried to remember when she met him for the first time….but she was surprised to realize that she is not able to remember the place where she first met the person whom she love most. Suddenly the phone bell rang and she answered the call…”Hi Irene, Jennifer here, just want to check whether we are meeting up today. If yes, let’s make it up before noon as I will be busy in the afternoon. We can meet in front of the gymnasium” Irene disconnected the phone without answering….Jennifer? Who is this? How can her be so arrogant to tell me that she needs to meet me before noon? Irene was confused but she had not time to think about it as she had to rush to office. She got ready in an hour and reached the gate on time to wait for her office cab. She looked at her watch, my God…it is 8.30….she was confused whether she reached the road before 8.15. She consoled herself by thinking that the driver must have forgotten to pick her. She rushed to get a taxi and reached office in time.
While getting inside the office, all were looking at her with a special new smile. She could not understand why there is a sudden change today? She could saw some new faces also when some old faces are missing there. She preferred to ignore those smiles of sympathy and went inside the office to reach her seat. She got inside her cabin where she could see her junior sitting and working in her seat. Oh…how dare you to sit in my seat. You are my subordinate and not supposed to sit in my cabin…get out…..she shouted. Mr.Jones was confused….he didn’t understand what is happening. How Madam Irene Williams can do all these when she quit office a few months back after her retirement from government’s service. He understood that something is wrong with her. He tried to make her calm and showed her the snaps on the day of her retirement and helped her to get a taxi to return home. Irene easily could understand that she already retired and now she is not supposed to be there.
On the way back, Irene could realize that something is wrong….While getting out from the car, one lady was approaching her and it was Jennifer….oh Jennifer how are you? Jennifer was a bit angry as she waited a lot for Irene before the gym and came to Irene’s place to see whether everything is alright. Also, she was really surprised on the odd behavior of Irene in the morning. Irene looked at Jennifer’s eyes and blushed out. Jennifer could see a deep pain of loss in Irene’s eyes. She made Irene to consult a doctor at the earliest…..Both of them together went to the doctor’s place. After listening Irene carefully the doctor told that Irene is suffering with a disease known as Dementia. It is a kind of Alcheimer’s disease in which a person can even forget her own name. Irene was confident on her name but she was shocked to realize that she forgot her husband’s name. Once hearing about her condition from the doctor, Irene tried to make herself stronger. She tried to remember all about her bold movements in life. She tried bringing all those strong and happy moments in life. She wanted to see Jack and she expected him to be a support in such a situation.
Irene researched a lot about her disease and made up her mind to fight against this. The knowledge that there is no cure for this disease made her mission more challenging. Yet Irene was bothered to survive in the world of memory. She did not want to be recognized as a patient and so preferred to stay back at home with her remaining memories. She found her mobile alarm tone as a short cut to make her remember about food, medicines and other things. As time passed, She observed all her memories leaving her without reasons. She lost all the memories of her beautiful childhood, youth and married life. One day she forgot her name and on that day she wrote in her diary that “the ability to forget is a blessing and I, the nameless am the happiest now as I am not even able to remember my pains”. After keeping her diary on the table she closed her eyes and lay on the bed. When Jennifer came to see how Irene is, she was sleeping. Her hands were cold and Jennifer was shocked to see that Irene is not there in that body. She opened her diary and saw Irene’s last words….and wrote under that "Irene, U r not the nameless. You have a name and that is ‘the boldest Alzheimer’s patient on earth". Then suddenly Irene’s mobile rang with an alarm tone ‘Everythig I do, I do it for you’…to make her remember about medicines….but Irene had already gone where she does not require any medicines.